Thursday, May 31, 2012

Step 4: Recruiting Businesses.

For the one person reading the blog, apologies for the long pause in between posts. First my parents came to visit and see my daughter graduate High School and then the Army sent me somewhere so I can learn how to interview for a job and write a resume. I, apparently, can't just say, "I was doing Army stuff" and get hired.

Step Four has to do with recruiting. Recruiting businesses to come to Rhode Island.

While I agree with Mr. Healey that the Lt. Governor position should be eliminated since it's only job is to wait for the Governor to die, I figure we might as well put them to work since we have the position and none of the big spenders want to cut the job out of the State Constitution.

For Step Four, the LtGov will meet with different business leaders around the country and brief them on the changes enacted in Steps One through Three.

This road map will not work unless we can attract more businesses to expand or move to Rhode Island. While the first two steps will probably help the state regardless because the existing businesses will get some relief and be able to expand... the third step will only make things worse this step is successful.

The LtGov is going to have to go on CNBC, Bloomberg, Fox Business, PBS, put adds in the WSJ and Economics Magazine... it just has to be done.

She or he will also have to be able to negotiate with the businesses, to give temporary "perks" in order to push them to make the choice we want them to make. The only prohibition is that the State will NOT spend tax payer money on businesses. We can give tax breaks (in general) or credits (based on how many RI residents they hire) but there will be a bottom to it, meaning that no matter how many requisites they meet to gain those breaks or credits, they have to pay 50% of what they would pay if they didn't qualify for anything.

Meaning... if at the 5% bracket in Step 3 they would owe the state $1 million in Corporate income tax, but their perks make it so they can shave off $800,000 to that... they would still have to pay $500,000 regardless(the 50% "hard floor).

The length of which I would say can be no longer than five years but that's negotiable based on what my one reader thinks.

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